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It is a machinim!!! =DDD

(blah blah blah, not soppost to be here, blah blah blah boring part wtf it got past the portal blah blah blah boring crap) OK I am surpirsed to see it here, which is good because I can enjoy HALO shorts without going to youtube and save me some clicking =3 [this one is definitely in my fav list =3] The drama, the suspence! Glorious!! Well, maybe not "glorious" but for a short it was the max it could take. Ya know what i'm sayin? The limit was the time, now if it were a full machinima halo movie then...do i really need to say it? lol
hello iam masterchieflollolollolololololl

but really, machinima not for ng. Only youtube, k? =DDDDDD 5/5 10/10 weeee

TheFusionDude responds:

look up TheFusionDude on Youtube

Okay, tough love time.

Look, I'm going to be honest with you. These videos do not belong on newgrounds. It's just not the right place for them. I'm giving you a five, because these videos belong on Youtube or some other non-flash video site.

Good and bad

The movie is quite well done. But it has no preloader, the sound was crappy in some places (I'm thinking of the wind) and it belongs more to a site like YouTube. I would like to see more of this, but not on NG.

Ps. There are some good preloaders at the downloads section here on NG.


I appreciate how you made something original compared to the flash world on NG.

You need to put this on halomovies.org

Fraps and other Machinima camera's don't go well on a flash setup. it's good but you need to try putting it in moviemaker and then submitting it elswere. good story.

Credits & Info

2.81 / 5.00

Jul 18, 2008
9:10 AM EDT