good one can't wait for the finshes work!
It's finally done the real one so quit watching this one! The new one is called:
Mario's Block Trouble
Just without the ! before the word Block.
good one can't wait for the finshes work!
Hey thanks a bunch! Yeah the final project is almost done. I'll probably submit it in 2 or 3 days.
a bit shaky animation was a bit off but it was good for a preview
It wasn't the animation it was what we people who have made flash call a vcam. Thanks! The final project is almost done!
hey that was preety cool cant wait till its done
Thanks, that was the same thing I was thinking! Yeah I'm working on getting it finsihed hopefully by sometime next week!
Needs work
Is this a preview? Because it didn't end, it just stopped. And yeah, it is laggy, and a bit shaky. I'd say, keep working at it. I'm sure those problems can be worked out.
Yeah I fixed the vcam problem so that won't happen again! This flash fps is 20 but, I changed it to 37 fps which is fast just incase you didn't know. But I won't submit it until it's complete!
Good, but not as good as your other one
kind of...laggy.
What frame rate did you use?
anyways, it was alright, and mario did look a-bit weird at the beginning. Oh well.
When can you bring over that Windows CD? I NEED IT SO I CAN BEGIN FLASH AGAIN!
Frame rate was 20 fps. The vcam caused the mario sprite to look wierd.
I'll give you the CD tomorrow. No, I like this better than RcR: Mission....well at least when I finish it!