The game won't load for me no matter what I try. BUT, I'm still gunna give it 5/5 just cuz it sounds amazing. :3
This is a massive update from my game concept that I posted before.
Your goal is to defend your territory versus the hordes of sprites that charge you.
There are 4 Levels, each with 5 waves of enemies.
Each wave has 2-20 enemies that vary in type/speed/health.
Contains 2 unlockable characters and a tiny extra for beating the game once or twice.
EDIT: Whoops found a small bug, already fixed and reuploaded.
July 17th, 2008: Updated play area to be twice the size. Increases difficulty and allows for mochi distribution.
Music & Sounds:
Galaxy Bounce - Chemical Brothers
Sound Effects from
Alejo and Grim from ndex.htm
The game won't load for me no matter what I try. BUT, I'm still gunna give it 5/5 just cuz it sounds amazing. :3
extremely fun to play if you could shoot magic beams or something this game would be off the hook
Good stuff.
I actually found this too be very entertaining. I thought there was a good use of sprites. Well done!
Not bad
It might seem a little simple at first, but what's wrong with that? Fun to play, its smoot and well done, and overall, I like it. Nice work.
Well a combo system would be good, Also if you hold shift and space it will do both attacks:/