Still good
I am not from the US (I'm from Canada), and the graphics arn't the best, but I like fireworks. And the sound also was a nice touch.
Fireworks in Washington D.C...
Still good
I am not from the US (I'm from Canada), and the graphics arn't the best, but I like fireworks. And the sound also was a nice touch.
it was o.k
nothing that interesting but great job on animation.
Great Firework!
Great firework. Of course we know there no star in Wash, DC cause it got so much corrupt stink so badly that it focus to push star away from Wash DC. All you see is burning cash, Gas smell, and a lot of moron who can't spell CAT. Other than that, It good flash. Good job.
Nice Fireworks.
I liked the animation of the people in the first little part, animation was great. I liked the fireworks.
very nice.
that was pretty kool.and the fireworks were amasing, seriously good job on those!!!