Whoa!I played this series in other websites a very long time ago and i never knew the author was you!I really miss this type of games,do you plan making more of the same style?
thought i'd submit this little game i made,i had problems with it thus being a demo.
i found some sounds for it but then removed them,4 some reason it confused the file and the sounds played on the wrong frames at the wrong time:(
so anyway play and c what u think of it.
Edit:- Why are you reviewing my old stuff? I know it's rubbish, this was when I was starting out,
you don't have to tell me.
Whoa!I played this series in other websites a very long time ago and i never knew the author was you!I really miss this type of games,do you plan making more of the same style?
This Game is so fun and cool.
nice one Fullmetalchaz, rly good work here!
Expected a lot more.
If You: Attack, Bass Counters With Charged Blster
If YOu: Use Flame Storm, Bass Summons
If You: Use Flame Burst X2, Bass Summons
If you: Heal, Bass attacks normally.
Why are you playing this, play my better stuff
predictable = boring
Rockmage and Mikoc5 are right - it looks nice, you've got the mise en scene working for you here. very retro, very tasty. but the battle system itself is really predictable. there's no challenge if you can just crunch the numbers in the first round, realise your MP will last you and then just remember to heal.
boss needs randomised attacks, an additional (unpredictable attack) to give it more character (though the GF type thing does look cool, it glosses over that by virtue of it just being the direct response to the flamebelch 2), and potentially another stage, ie. hit points down to a quarter = harder bit.
actually, just scrolled up and realised this was submitted 2008. i'll stop spewing spiel over the screen then, you've probably nailed it and started work on the prequel now anyways x
good i guess
pretty good but i would like to play as bass ;)