things that aren't funny like this make me lol for some reason.
Except for your newest one. that plain sucked.
Okay, people, if I say "abhorrently dumb", I mean "abhorrently dumb".
If I say "short", I mean "short".
Vote fairly, that is, vote five!
things that aren't funny like this make me lol for some reason.
Except for your newest one. that plain sucked.
please only review the flash at hand, kthx
that was kinda strange but i liked it cos of the music. :)
thanks for your review!
You were right....
It was dumb
All my five r belong 2 this!
That sounds like something a normal person would say. Like if you asked somebody, "Hey, where were you last night?" And they'd all be like "This flash video".
like totally