I know this is the digital age. Well, I think it is. I know everyone has cell phones and text messaging, and although it bothers me when people type "c u 2mrw" and stuff, I understand that it's a matter of expediency. However, when you're working on something like this, it should *never* be a matter of expediency, and when a character say something like "OMG!" I brace myself for the worst. Well, this game isn't really "the worst." It just isn't good, by any means. It isn't original in any way, the combat is bland, the enemies look pretty powerful but get trounced by water balloons...there aren't many things to comment on, and I don't have a good thing to say about anything here. When I see submissions like this, I assume you aren't at all serious, that you just met up at school one day without any kind of emotional or creative impetus and said, "Hey, let's make a game!" Anyway, if you are serious about doing this, keep improving yourselves and--just a suggestion--don't submit unfinished projects until you're truly proud of what you've created. Unfortunately, there is nothing constructive to say about something that is completely lacking in everything, other than, "make it better."