My homies get it
All the damn battle toads burned in hell, but me boys Waddle Doo and Sparkster KNOW WHERE IT'S AT!
Just something I threw together while working on my main project.
The next rly ghey sprite shorts will be better.
The song used in the last scene is "Phantom by Sabrepulse"
and can be downloaded at > discography
My homies get it
All the damn battle toads burned in hell, but me boys Waddle Doo and Sparkster KNOW WHERE IT'S AT!
That's what all my buddies are like.... Hmmm.... Now I knwo to never take ecstasy.
Nice Ecstasy joke. I especially loved the pixels you chose.
I will admit that I chuckled.
I give this an 8 for the preloader alone.
And the Battletoad humping in the air