Could be great
In my opinion, you need to work on a few thing,
Your graphics are somewhat sub-par, I have nothing against sprites, but it is too choppy, also maybe add some effects. Also slow down the fight scene, there was too much going on. Even so, you had proper use of distance and what not, I loved your back grounds, but I cant get over that clicking, PLEASE at least get rid of that arrow!4/10
The sound is meh, I like the music, but it never looped on my computer, and along with some effects in say that fight scene, mabye add some sounds of punching, or even as far as voice acting. 3/10
The story in it self is actually pretty good, I like how you want 2 people dead by Cpt. Falcon hired by master hand, but when you put cloud there it ruined the feeling of a smash parody. While not bad it gave a bit of confusion. Also I felt you were to direct about calling for samus. It was to short for my liking, possibly add more back story, but it was indeed good 4/10
It is a good series that could blossem into a great seris, at the pace you're going now, I believe it will be about 4 episodes.