Lol i like it
Nice game but could use some more depth.
The song is dumb i know
My 8-ball game updated, ask it a question!
(and your not supposed to type)
Lol i like it
Nice game but could use some more depth.
one question
did you give Lucas Arts TM. credit for the music?
Forgot, i'll do that right now
me:Would you tap that?
me: do you suck at grammar?
me: prove it
it: abviously
Crap, i totally forgot to fix that....
Oh by the way, it only answers yes or no
Kinda weird, got some questions confusing, but btw, i heard the music off star wars, and it reminded me off it ;p
It's where it's from!
Haha. Now thats an eight ball.
That was the best eight ball I've seen in a while. way to have a sense of humor!
Haha, man that was awesome.