omg so bootiful and makes so much sense
Fun rpg i made. game engine built with code tell me what you think and rate niclely
click either attack or heal and upgrade your skills and stats!
i apreciate all tips and help but please dont be an asshole.
EDIT: damn poeple dont vote before you atleast passed the first 2 battles
dont base your whole vote on the first battle :(
Also im working on the sequel now.
omg so bootiful and makes so much sense
This game feels rushed. Improve the graphics, give more battle options, and have somebody play test your game before you submit it.
A modern masterpiece. Fantastic visuals, believable characters, engrossing story and an deep combat system. GOTYAY
Not that good
I'm sorry, but it was just very repetitive for me, and the sloppy graphics and storyline presentation was just too much.
not bad
i kind of liked it