Chicken FUCKER
This is the 4th out of 5 mario slayer hope you like it folks :P
and thanks to zectfire for awsom killing ideas´and i forgot to ad prereloader so be patient
Chicken FUCKER
Well i guess this is a review for the first 4 that I just watched....To be honest man it got pretty bland after the 2nd one....I mean putting the same song in every episode,although it fit well with the story,got really annoying.Also,not that it would bother everyone,there were a lot of grammar errors that might turn off the older viewers such as myself.For the younger group this series is great,but for the more mature audience it gets bland and old after the first episode.Not bad man,keep your chin up and put a little more variety into each episode and things wont seem so repetitive .
Yeah i see how you mean thanks for the review to :)
Damn nice.
that was funny as hell.
you have a good animation life ahead of you.
gee thanks :D
hahahaha realy nice! so many lifes of mario were gone! haha 10/10 from me! specialy for the"Long cooking " was the best like in greek "Soublaki"
keep it up ! p.s : wanna see Mario Slayer5
jep i will work on that and thx for the review
NIce :D
It was funny , im glad that u took some of mine idea to it :)
Yes those worked out great :D