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Author Comments

David Dehne and I (Dustin Pearce) started this project back in 2005 but unfortunately it joined our large collection of unfinished work when later that year I moved away. Then at the beginning of 2008 I heard that some friends were throwing a surprise birthday party for David and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity for me to finally finish "FoolCircle" as a sign of appreciation for all the times he's been there for me through the years. Thanks David, you truly are an amazing friend, full of integrity and someone to look up too. My hope in finishing this was not to just present you with a finished copy of our "adolescent aspirations," but to reestablish a bond of trust between us.

Your Friend,

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I don't understand some things.

How some dumb ass sprite show can make the top 10, yet jems like these seem to go unnoticed.

Yeah the animation wasn't Disney, but it had a great story line and funny characters. A little off the wall but great work.

Please make more, because damn, I was laughing pretty hard.

dus10 responds:

Your comment was the first I read, and while doing so I was interrupted so I only saw "dumb ass sprite" and immediately thought that people weren't going to like this. However I was delightfully wrong when I sat down and finished your comment. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment with admiring and encouraging words- it means allot to both of us. We're very glad you enjoyed our movie :)


i just want to see more of these, seriously.
this would be the best series ever!

the animation is just right, i mean, it's not the best but that's why i like it so much.
and the humor was really good too.
you hit the nail right on the head in this movie, great job.

dus10 responds:

I really appreciate your comment and am really glad that you liked the movie! If I would have got a comment like this a few years ago I would really be pushed to make more videos but I think I'm going a different direction with my work in the future- so basically I'm sorry to say this will be the only episode of "FoolCircle" (at least in this context). Thank you so much for the encouragement!

LMAO! Funny stuff!

I loved the humor in this flash. The characters were really funny as well. My only complaint is that the animation seemed a bit outdated... which is understandable because this is over 3 yrs. old.

"Commercials these days are getting edgy."

dus10 responds:

I really loved your comment, especially because you made a quote from the movie :) Thanks for adding some constructive criticism and for putting it into perspective, I like you :)

good ^^

i liked it
just one remark

sometimes they speak to silently
bad quality of the speech to
try to work on that and this will be great :d

dus10 responds:

We are very glad that you liked the movie even though the voices were poor quality. Thanks for taking the time to comments; it's nice to get feedback :)

I like

Random. Loved the "I'm telling God" joke. I thought that you made a very proffessional job of it, all I would suggest is that your recordings needed a little engineering at times, and your edges needed some redrawing to smooth, especially in the kitchen. I think i may have to look out for you later. Good job.

dus10 responds:

I certainly hope that I will have the privilege of you enjoying my work in the future.
I really appreciate your comment and ideas on how I can improve in the future.

Credits & Info

3.46 / 5.00

Jun 17, 2008
1:52 PM EDT