I didn't laugh, I felt empty after the animation... You have taken 1 min away from me that I can't get back... Learn to use flash, and I hate Clock Crew...
This is very funny!!!
I decided to make this cuz Ive not seen nothing like it on newgrounds
Its kinda short but not like the shortest ever
Please vote and Review because id like to know what needs improved or if you liked it.
Dont vote low if you hate clocks plzz
I didn't laugh, I felt empty after the animation... You have taken 1 min away from me that I can't get back... Learn to use flash, and I hate Clock Crew...
I seemed to get a laugh out of the random music, nuff said.
it wasen't god-awful, which some of my flashes were, but the humour was in what they were saying in the song, which many people don't really listen to, so think about making more obvious jokes...
And the animation could be better, but everybody have to learn!
Good work, but not good enough...
Music video?
Not only could I not understand what was going on amidst the choppy animation, the mix of songs were awful!
As a former Lock and Clock myself, I find this relatively sad and pathetic. There's no movement, it's just clips ripped from a bunch of songs and pasted on. I guess it's somewhat better than some stuff I've seen, but overall not so good.
Try speaking to real Locks and Clocks to get a bunch of tips. They helped me out, although you won't see the flashes I made during that time here. They were mostly on the old LL site, but you can check my shiny old Darth Lock anim out on Trash Lock's Adventures. It's here in the portal, go look.