Along Came Zero
To save NewGrounds from this terrible, terrible flash.
This is my second submission for the Flash portal :D
I'm rather pleased with it but as always I can see where I can improve. It took me a little over 7 weeks to make it. I hope you enjoy it.
Along Came Zero
To save NewGrounds from this terrible, terrible flash.
I personally liked it better than ur last one. i found this one funny and amusing. i know u may not be entirely pleased with it, but u gotta give urself a break, its only ur second flash movie that u've put online. u'll get better over time, i'm sure. "Practice makes Perfect"(or as close as humanly possible). i deffinitely liked the Hogwarts Express train, a bit random and unrelated, but funny. Great work Demon Warts :P
Pretty Good
Don't mind sttibur, Newgrounds is a tough crowd filled with downvoters.
Since you are new to flash, I bumped up the score a bit. It helped me visualize the story, and even though it could've been better it was a hell of a lot more deserving to be in the portal than other submissions I've seen lately.
Thanks. But I think I can definately do better next time :D
boring as hell dude wow.. fuk.. that was the most fucked up vid i've ever seen... damn!
Shit was random but funny