you should of waited until next wednesday, its random day, and you could of submitted it then
This is just a cartoon I never Submitted to Jason Gastrow's series I thought it was kinda funny so I decided to show and tell it with you. The idea is that it is supposed to look a little spritsie that is the joke. (not very funny but whatever) Please enjoy.
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Many thank yous to Jason Gastrow. Check out his series Sprite A Day and Ackbar
you should of waited until next wednesday, its random day, and you could of submitted it then
No I donTZ want to ZucKz ur cock on wednesDAy HowZ aboT fRiday I cAn sUck it thencuz it is our jEw ShoE naZi parAde we throw sh0es at eacHothers balls and try to liCk the blodd off eacHothers balls. And yes I am fucking Seriu0s
good flash, funny
I have an average-sized penis, and I'm not afraid to say it
You have an average size nose haha
Hey Is That Swim Suit For Your Big Fat Moobs LOL Classic xD
thanx son I appreciate it
wow no wonder u didn't send it to him
wow, a naruto fan with crappy flash submissions. Fuck you I am tired of ass holes like you thinking you are better than me.
i liked it!
*scrible noise*
great job!
Thanks, Yeah I am sorry about the sound