i liked it, but you could've done better with the animation...atleast make their whole arms move...maybe a little head banging....Get down with the sickness..
This is the second music video i have made. I reckon it kills my old one. Towards the end of this i got a bit out of time and cant be botherd to fix it at the moment i will fix it later.
The song i chose was '' Enter The Machine '' basically because it was an instramental and its only a short song. It comes from the album '' Doomsday Machine '' made by Arch Enemy.
If you do not like Death/Black Metal music please dont vote low becuase you dont like the music.
Enjoy. ;p
i liked it, but you could've done better with the animation...atleast make their whole arms move...maybe a little head banging....Get down with the sickness..
haha i know i could have done better but i didnt. Ill release another one soonw hen i finish but i dont really know what song to do.
Not bad
Ok, to start off with, that instrumental was actually quite good. I actually liked it.
Moving onto the animation, it seemed OK, but it did seem a little out of sync. Considering the guitar bit of this instrumental, you actually managed to do a good job, but as I've mentioned, it did go a little out of sync in some parts (lke the beginning, for example)
I know that syncing animation to music is difficult, I mean, I've tried to do it and it took me awhile to figure out exactly how to do it. Oh, and to mention the drummer, longest arms in the world :P
Haha thank's. It kept screwing around with trying to get it in sync but towards the end i started getting fidgity and stuff.
Lol about the arms on my drummer. I was gunna move his shirt with his arms (redraw tehm) but i forgot to.
lacks a lot of stuff!!
The music isnt too bad even tho i dont like metal but the animation is very poor to be honest...the drummer's just looping in the same position with the guitarist somethimes popping in and then a headbanger comes in for some time
I think if you made each character into a movie clip and added a few motion tweens it would look much better cos you can easily make closeups and sliding movements - it would look much better...and even a little blinking by the ppls would have added that extra something
yet the music's quite ok so i'll give you a 2
I was gunna add blinking aswell but yeah. Thanks for the comments.