Me got high score my high score name is name
Oh noes! Crabs are attacking your castle. Can you stop them from destroying it and hold on for 7 minutes (21 levels)? All you need is your mouse, but please read the instructions before messing around: stopping crabs is serious business!
This is the second game I made in Flash, I hope you all like the improvement I've made. Enjoy!
Me got high score my high score name is name
Congrats! :D
prima de pima!
hoewel het mischien grafisch iets beter had gekund is de uitvoering en concept erg cool!
Merci :P
Super Game!
Wow! Super game!
I like the game very much! Nice idea. For me a unique game. I also like your instructions. I understood them and it is very cool you don't have the usual lay-out.
i also like the crabs you need to "circle" twice. It makes it more difficult and it is good for my thinking.. :)
I agree with ChaoticMethods for getting known how to make the color circle you need but it is fun when you know it.
Power Ups isnt needed i think. I think the game wil b to easy when you put in some power ups.
I don't agree with XionGlydus about the thing about the instructions.
I think its good to know a little and find out some stuff if you need to.
That makes it more fun.
Keep up the good work! Hope to see more from you soon!
Pretty cool
I like how you added the color-matching mechanic to this. It was a bit tricky to get used to at first but fun once I got the hang of it. Still, the game does get a bit repetitive after a while. Still, I applaud your innovation.
Given the premise of defending a sand castle on the beach, I'm sure you can cook up a few more aquatic baddies to give us a hard time. Just make sure to add some power-ups to avoid making this too difficult.
Great review, thanks. I'm not very fond of 'updating games', because I'd like to learn new things and rather make a whole new game and take all the advice with me in this new game.
It's dearly noted: more 'enemies', more 'powerups', going for more diversity! Thanks.
not bad
its pretty simple once you figure out how to click and drag the right way to get the intended color.