The grammar of the flash is horrible...
"I wouldn't worry too much about a World War (at least due to oil shortage): in Europe, scientists have developed micro-organisms that produce oil and some people plan to make use facilities with billions of these micro-organisms, resulting in a sustainable source of oil. No doubt, other initiatives will follow worldwide." -- Co1980
If it takes more energy input to create the oil from those organisms then there wont be much help. The amount of organisms that would be required (assuming they do "create oil" instead of break down plastics and other organic compounds into substances that can be refined into oil) to produce the amount of oil to sustain the worlds demand (right now the US uses about 19 million barrels A DAY, about 50% of the consumption for the planet, if that gives you any indication of how hard those little microbes would have to be working) would probably make the oil that was produced incredibly expensive.
Not only would more fuel efficient vehicles (or straight electric powered cars for that matter) reduce oil consumption, having a national railway system that was brought into the 21'st century might do quite a bit to help (if I remember correctly, the US has one of the crappiest railway systems for a developed post industrial nation.)