It has potential, the animation is pretty good. Of course, for this to be noteworthy of anything, there would have to be much more than there is here.
I always named this file, "In Progress" because I couldn't think of a name for it. Then when it was done, I named it, "In Progress Done". Not a very original week for me, heh. So, to shorten it's now IPD. It's just a test run. Nothing special, and I just want to submit it so if I ever lose, delete the file or whatever, I can still find it on the net.
Comments still appreciated, though, so go right ahead.
It has potential, the animation is pretty good. Of course, for this to be noteworthy of anything, there would have to be much more than there is here.
Was good
it was good but to short though next one u do make it a little bit longer.