So the sound and movements are basically taken directly from the Xiao Xiao series. The only thing apparently different is that the sticks are all clustered together in a row, there's no music, and the victim sticks have brown heads.
Just a little shorty i did, you can notice i rushed at then end, should've made him actually fight the shitheads.
So the sound and movements are basically taken directly from the Xiao Xiao series. The only thing apparently different is that the sticks are all clustered together in a row, there's no music, and the victim sticks have brown heads.
Sorry mister contractor, but the only things taken directly out of the xiao xiao series are the sounds.
That was a lot of violence for like a 10 second animation
But that was funny
yeah that was me at work today for sure, I apprieciate someone who feels the same, SH*t heads!
Nice job!
Great timekilling video!
But could be longer.