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Product Of a Boring Day 2

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So here it is :D The second episode of the series ^^ i know its noob made but i think its funny :) I know that its Verry unoriginal with a TV showing random funny clips but.. i just couldnt resist x) Ive bben like working a whole month on this one. Even thou the movie itself isnt that Good but i hope you like it! :)
Its WAAAY better than the first. I can see the Animation skill progress my self. and hopefully the Third will be even better. bye bye for so long, Arii <3

* This movie contains: Silent movie Violence, Gay content and some ugly cat.. :3
* and again, i do not mean offence to any one by this video so dont take the content Seriuosly
* I hid the Best scenes towards the ending and put the scenes thats not so good in the begining.
* The ending credits is kinda Funny to watch :D

Before you start watching i just wanna give a big shout out to my homie, mr.t <3

so.. ill guess ill start working on the Third Episode :D

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haha :)

The animation is not bad but maybe you should spend more time in making a flash next time. ( but maybe it took you a long time to make it anyway haha) i dind't find it really funny but i'm sure your next flash will be better if you keep on practicing a little bit. :)


This movie own, I'm waiting for a "Product of a boring day 3" :D

need 2 improve

This animation looks as if itwas made hastly and lacks much detail, You could of added some sound. The animation seemed rudimentary and unrealistic. All the ramdom lines make the master cheif and the soldier look confuseing, tyr takeing out some of those.

Funny but not great

it was funny but could use wsighhork on the animation but other than that all i can suggest is more original jokes , a few were just , i've seen em before , other than that it's good


you made me laugh so i gave it a 5.
you should touch up on animating skill tho, so that some of the stuff wouldnt look so... bad.... no offense of course. Im not saying that im much better. But over time, youll get better so keep trying. But it was funny.

krowten responds:

ty for that. just wanna say that its only my second flash so i can take critics :3

Credits & Info

2.33 / 5.00

Jun 11, 2008
12:56 PM EDT