So artistic and beautiful
This movie was made for the clock crew flash fandango, under the theme, travel/journey.
This flash is abstract, which may not please some users under the age of 15. I warned you.
The song used is Talkdemonic - Véraison.
A thank you to Interstate clock.
So artistic and beautiful
For a clock crew flash... that was pretty phsycological... But I disagree with CrustClock.. You don't have to be over 17 to get this, you just have to not be a hormonal little idiot.
What profound visual poetry
So deep
And, Man, I know what you mean; 15 year olds are just too damn dumb to understand such powerful works of abstract imagery, direct from the brain of Aidan Wall to the .swf document. You have to be at least 17 to understand those.
loved it.
specially the final part (welcome home)
very creative
I rather enjoy the block motif, particularly how you utilized it so inventively near the beginning with the "walking" of that creature. Nice powerful imagery throughout too. Matched deftly with the soundtrack.