The game worked for me, at least. Honestly though, I've seen this concept executed better. This particular memory game takes the concept back to it's board game roots by using a fixed amount of "cards" and randomizing the matches. The trick to beating the game is in the name, just use your memory. While the timer and flip counter are nice additions, you can achieve the reward no matter what as far as I can tell. If you clicked totally randomly you would still have a fair chance of beating the game eventually. There's no motivation to complete the game more quickly except that every second you spend playing it is another second you could've been doing something else. My advice to the author (were he interested in doing another similar game) is give the player rewards for doing more than clicking. Utilize the flip counter and timer more effectively (such as creating score calulation based on time and number of flips). Give progressively better rewards for higher scores. Don't give up though, you could easily do better.