the idea is quite good, I liked it. the game was kinda duffucult for me, but still, nice job.
the idea is quite good, I liked it. the game was kinda duffucult for me, but still, nice job.
Cool Game
Simple game but pretty cool nice music i wonder who made it ;) lol
Great and simple.
A great game. It is always fun to see remakes like this one. You should keep on making fun games like this one. This is your 10 and you should be proud of it damn it.
a bit boring
yea man it was basically the same old kind of games but you sorta go in circles what is that so im gonna give you a 4
the idea i was going for was to make it that bit harder where as the old one you pretty much had set lines you could move across hence making it easier to get on the right path towrds the apples or what ever they are but this one you have to judge it making the game harder
hmm..not half bad
it was actually kinda addicting to was loads of fun.