i got bored before the actual funny part which kinda ruined the funny part when it came.....good animation though.
On and off, i managed to finished this project through series of pain. I want to let you all know that this was absolutely boring for me to make. Nevertheless i push myself to present something slightly better than my previous entries to prove myself.
Hmmm another step up in art direction compared to my previous submissions i suppose. Drawing using a mouse and drawing tablet is still very awkward. I guess i need time to adapt. I hope to make a bigger, better story line and animation for Marche and MontBlanc next time. Tanx for reading this guyz. Hope you enjoy this short episode.
i got bored before the actual funny part which kinda ruined the funny part when it came.....good animation though.
Very good
A Very good short to fans....
rofl nice job man!
i luved the ending man way to go :D the whole flash seemed very well done to me so ill hope u make more sometime so i can review another :D
very clever
simple and funny...