It's Alright, The Rocket reminds me of the bomb that could've happened in Attleborough High School. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Ok so I started this about 2 months ago with very little knowledge of actionscript, I had intended to learn actionscript through making a game and after making this I feel I have learnt alot.
This is my first game I have ever made completely by myself. The hardest part was the hitTesting and I spent hours on it, I have tested this game alot but please tell me if you find any errors with hittesting.
Also the music I found was amazing, thanks to xXsnowbladeXx for making it.
Please leave a review, I will respond to all of them.
Kind regards -
It's Alright, The Rocket reminds me of the bomb that could've happened in Attleborough High School. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
very respectable developer top of the line graphics maybe next time do not put all of your info on your profile if your planing on doing very cool arts and crafts at your school
Do you like school?
There's no way you nerds came here just to ask him about school, I'm sure Tom has learned from his mistakes. Hopefully...