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Tracing Tutorial(Helpful)

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This is one of my second tutorials my first wasent so good it was a how to draw cartoon heads but this one hopefully is better as i included music and mini movieclips. please give good ratings thanks alot. check out ma great traces that ive done in the past at the end of this movie.

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every time i smit smething to newgrounds they say i need better grahpics so this will help me alot

Not helpful but...

I don't know you but I think that if you trace something with copyright, you'll get blammed. Anyways, it was cool, but I saw your traces and instead of stickfigures you should've drawn a goku blinking or his hair moving, which only requires you to draw the hair left and right. Was good.


You hardly explained anything on a topic that needs no tutorial. NOT HELPFUL AT ALL! The only thing that got you any stars was the music.

not great

i think u just wanted to show people your traces
tracing is quitea easy thing to do so i dont think it really needed a tutorial

pretty useless

not really usefull to any one apart from 100% noobs at flash but, hey at least your helping, i liked the goku trace

Credits & Info

2.42 / 5.00

May 28, 2008
9:56 AM EDT