Everything is me, camera angles, acting, music etc
It actualy took you a camera, some friends, some fake blood and a minimum of flash skill it should be a flash submision not some camera thingy... whoops I just wasted 2 minutes of my life on this review and the "flash" movie
LittleKiddie, Stfu
stfu little kiddie, id like to see you do better, and how the fuck is the video emotional!? you said emo, so yuo are obviously the stereotypical bully who thinks all emos cut themselves, matt, the original file was good, but thei, this is f**king fantastic!!
Nice vid!
Even if it wasn't really flash, it was really funny!
I know its hard to submit stuff....
But this one real sucked. No story, (No game, I thought it was one), nothing looking good. You are about 10 and start killing yourself in movies. Its a bit emo, if you know what I mean.
I dont know who's the weird guy asking for more. Prob a friend of yours or your second account or so.