This game feels rushed. It needs better graphics, more content, and more music. You should also play test your games before you submit them.
UPDATE: Yes, Joe, it's really me, furiousreviewer.
Originally, I wasn't going to upload this, so I instead posted the link in the forums, where it got good reviews. This is inspired by Zelda Lampshade and the Nicholas' Weird Adventure series. I sincerely apologize for the graphics and lack of effort, but I hope you enjoy.
ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: This is only map 1, which ends after you sail away. On my website, new maps will be added as they are finished. Go to regularly to get updates in the game!
Map 2 will have a secret room in it, and you can guess from the inspirations where I got the idea.
Overall, I really hope you enjoy this!
Use the control keys to move, and run into people to talk to them. Some people can't be talked to. Run into houses to go inside of them.
This game feels rushed. It needs better graphics, more content, and more music. You should also play test your games before you submit them.
¿WTF is this? an april fools joke made in paint?
I think there's a glitch.
i got stuck on that guys head and spun around... i dont know. please work on it
>__< really?
overall, bad graphics. but it could have better, so redo this please! :)
Rushed but funny
Yeah it was extremely funny but as everyone else says, it was rushed and could have been longer. I would like it if you put gameplay music in places other than the boat, worked a bit on the graphics and made it longer, it would turn out to be a better game.