I like the girl in the picture,you could make her much more sexy (and in action!).
Fuck newgrounds users, all you are fucking stupid.
I like the girl in the picture,you could make her much more sexy (and in action!).
you can smd
There really isn't much positive to say about this. It looks like there was some effort to make something. So I'll give it some points.
Fuck you faggot, eat horse shit. I hope you fucking kill yourself. You fucking clown. Your anus is as dilated as the moon.
pretty fucking gnarly
yo nick, teh video was dope......who the fu ck am i.....
wtf are you talking about faggot
I really liked your cool animation and your variety of colours!
forgot the rice???
black guy was funny as hell but what was the other stuff.
Shut up you're gay.