poor chair
this was a funny one :)
This is a funny little SHORT about how miserable it would be to exist as a chair.. completely random, but really, think about it.....
This is my first little experiment with animation I did for a school project, so advice would be greatly appreciated..
Just felt like animating to STWPT, and this song made me laugh when I heard it.. so anyways, recommendations for the collection would be great ;)
SONG BY: Andrew Pants www.songstowearpantsto.co m
Well, ENJOY!
poor chair
this was a funny one :)
Ha Ha
people always fart on him! funny but sad
awww poor chair
lol i liked it, bit short though, beat was cool, poor chair XD
"people always fart on me..."
I would have liked to see a few people sit on the chair and the chair give it's reaction to them or maybe a cat scratching on one of the chair's legs. Then we would see why the chair feels like it does. But, this is a nice start. Keep it up.
i say the same as the one under this one