good for 1 day
still good but not fantastic of course
Uploaded this game for a mate because he dont have a newgrounds account. Once again he made this for college like me with my "determinded worm game".
Yes we know our games suck and he made this game within one day.. because the other sucked so hard it made small children cry.
good for 1 day
still good but not fantastic of course could be worse
honestly this needs some work. the concept is a ok one but gets old really really fast. i'm talking 3rd or 4th shot and i'm bored allready. which is bad. so instead of making it just different points for the two colors (by the way, add more colors with this idea and it'll be even better) make the different colors take different amoutns of hits, nothing exceeding like 4 or 5 though. and the graphics could use a tunning up a bit. but for just being something to toss up here...good enough i guess. just not really worth a second glance but seems you expect that. aim for a good game and you can make one.
Tell your friend to remove the Tab cheat because the circles are buttons and when you press tab its so easy to press the button ¬¬
For the nice music i give you 5 ;)
Definitely not bad
The Music was a bit disturbing and I couldn't find it a real challenge. Nice ideas are the different scores for the aliens and the growing difficulty.
Voted with 2, this shoulnd't be blamed.
pretty good music did you make it?