what is the name of the music in his memories? i mean mission 1 and 2
I just submitted the prequel to this movie. If you want to know what's going on,
go to my account.
I finally finished it!
Okai, so this story takes place in 2853 AD, and is about a bio-mechanical boy who lived his first 14 years in a lab back in the late 21st century. Back then he wasn't a robot, but he was scheduled to become one when he grew up. He became so curious he just wanted to touch the bionic suit, but suddenly the lab AI, roodikan, went screwy and fused him to the bionic suit.
Now, since Cyborgkid is mechanical, he can't age at all, and has suffered as a freak for 800 years, and has been driven practically insane from living so long.
He chases the AI that ruined his life, traveling from planet to planet, star system to star system. He also kills any unfriendly alien locals who get in his way. >:D
As you can tell, Cyborgkid 2853 has a highly intricate and complex storyline, probably based on future truth, and is copyrighted 2008 by Bioweapon13.
Many more movies are to come, so stay tuned! ^_^
PS I'm sorry I had to censor out the part where he flips off the ugly little lifesuckers.....
That woulda bin funny..
what is the name of the music in his memories? i mean mission 1 and 2
You were about my age when you made this...
And I'm impressed! My friend and me are pretty talented when it comes to drawing and I must say you're good at it.
I'm going to watch the rest of Cyborgkid 2853 now, and having high expectations!
"Those Creatures."
I like this animation, but those creatures... in the spaceship... were they based loosely on the "head crabs" from half life 2? Bcause that's what they reminded me of.
cool, that guy kicks magor ass.
Very nice!
It amazes me how you can stay concentrated enough to make anything, I personally don't have the effort xD.
Amazing job though.
And yes, this will be awesome.
The thing that kinda turned me off though was the lines, like it looked kinda not real, if you know what I mean, because things in real life aren't outlined in black XD
Still good job.
thnx e_e
actually, the point of the art is in the black lines, coz i like to make my drawings look very realistic but with a slightly surreal quality to it. Otherwise it just wouldnt be my style.
Also, if you wanted a visual upgrade, go to my latest submission, the prequel.