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Snowmen Wars

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This is an on-going war between mankind and snowmankind recently sparked by the Global Warming threat. This global catastrophe caused by no other than humans, threatens the existance of the polar caps, Antarctica and all creatures of snow! there is no other choice left but to conquer and invade humans in order to cease their harmful ways of life and restore the cold.


I actually made the sound for this animation in a different program than flash (maybe aftereffects? I don't remember) But since Newsgrounds doesn't accept any other formats other than .swf the gunfire and screaming will not be included in this version. Please visit it on Youtube though if you want to see the full version of Snowmen Wars...With FULL featured SOUNDS!! link-> http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=YgT_vcbLNXs

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where the hell did you get this idea any way i dont care, but it is original but if you want to improve it then you should add more sounds e.g gun shots, helicopter ect.
and you should stop it from looping too.

Not to Shabby

Honestly i did not like the repetitive music but it is a good concept

Interesting style

The style is very interesting. Please improve the sounds. Maybe some gunfire sounds instead of the music alone. The movie loops, a good one should stop and have a "Play again" button instead. This little feature could really improve the way people rate your flash work, cause an auto-loop looks like a beginners work. If you are a beginner at flash, then you are really good already. Looking forward for more, maybe longer videos from you. Voted 4 (style bonus :P) & rating 7.

Not to Bad!

I liked it, the use of sound could be greatly improved but apart from that i quite enjoyed it.
Well done.

Drawing could use work

still kick ass though

Credits & Info

3.03 / 5.00

May 15, 2008
8:20 AM EDT