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Stickman on Google

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I made this flash in about 4 1/2 hours, but lost about a third of my time to lock-ups (sigh...school computers). I originally stated that it took me 3 hours, but I thought I should clarify a little bit.

I used screenshots of Internet Explorer to turn the Yahoo! symbol into a living person. It's kind of a loving tribute to Animation vs. Animator (which I think is made by a very talented person).

Please, I'm begging you. Be kind in your reviews. This is my first flash; it took me three hours. I've had only about 10-12 hours experience in Macromedia Flash, so this may not be that great. But I really worked on it, and hope you all will enjoy it.

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You misspelled the words: Kick and Mwahahaha. In "THUD" the 'D' is appeared half.

Instead of action words, you need sound and music. Plus, it loops.
Maybe you will need is a preloader if you want.


i guess i like it

Could be better with improvements

First of all, I'm giving this a low score because I didn't find it all that interesting, by no means am I calling this crap, trust me, it isn't crap (this is my opinion). You put effort into this and it's pretty good considering the amount of practice you've had beforehand, but there's some stuff I think you might want to improve on:

-The frame by frame wasn't too choppy but I can't say it was fluid either, next time try animating with a higher fps.
-The lack of sound ceased it from having any excitement (and subtitles don't make up for that), learn more about the 'library panel' and 'importing sound'; there both pretty important.
-It loops. To fix that, highlight your last frame, press F9, and type 'stop();' (without the quotations) in the actions panel.
-The pace of the movie seems a bit weird, and it's kinda hard to understand what the stick man is doing at times. Try to adjust the timing it so it flows better.
-I guess it's a bit much to ask for camera movements, but extending your knowledge about symbols, timelines, motion tweens, and motion guides would help.

Although I found it pretty uninteresting, I did like the parts where the stickman increased the text size and drowned in the water. I wasn't expecting any of those moments and it shows that you have quite a bit of imagination when it comes to this type of thing.

Super-FZL responds:

Well, it wasn't a serious flash. Just experimental.

I just wish I had flash at home so I could disover my full potential.

okay but needs to be better

Overall it was okay, but I think you should have waited until you had more experience before you submitted a video. but it's not terrible. I think that 1) you should have made it a little longer and 2) I think that you should have had a better plot to it.

Super-FZL responds:

Oh, hey, Selifer! (I know this guy).

I just thought I'd do this and see what happens. I knew I would good a bad score, but I was curious. Don't be surprised if I clean up this flash and resubmit it.

Pretty great!

The plot was superb but the editing was decent and still needs some work. Also, this desperately needs audio: instead of putting the action verb, include sound clips and music.

Credits & Info

2.80 / 5.00

May 14, 2008
5:19 PM EDT