Great animation
Great pivot animation but this website's for flash isn't it?
This hopefully my second movie on newgrounds, this should have 4 animations which ive made in the past month. Enjoy.
P.S. Please note that i am also Pivot7474, you can check out the pivot7474 page and see that i am.
Great animation
Great pivot animation but this website's for flash isn't it?
nice job
i work with pivot too check out mine they are pretty good too maybe we can make a joint or something anyway um... well, smooth and nice stk's and effects :)
Pivot sux, but this pivot animation was really really REALLY smooth. U know the movements.
Awesomely funny!
that was great! i saw the second one in your last submission and laughed like crazy at it! the animation you do is so fluid, its the best stick movie ive seen in a while. one thing i do want to know is the name of that song! ive had it in my head for days!
At last, some decent Pivot animation
Sadly, many Pivot animations are of poor quality - but thankfully, not this one. Well done!