i was drinking juise while watching this and it was just teh scene with the can i drive and shit a cat part and now there is juice all over my keyboard !!!
- in context - ITS VERY FUNNY !
More resubmissions...
This was my ClockDay 05 submission. I've made a few adjustments, but it's all good. It contains deleted scenes too!
i was drinking juise while watching this and it was just teh scene with the can i drive and shit a cat part and now there is juice all over my keyboard !!!
- in context - ITS VERY FUNNY !
well ive never been a fan of the clocks, but this one was good. even though im sure i missed a lot of the more inside jokes clock fans would get....still very nice work.
hahahahahaah "joder aquel bastardo se escapo!" very cool XDDD i like it!
great movie.
a good, GOOD flash. what can i say? awesome garphics, and a good tale. really, it kept me entertained until teh finishing scene. amaizng work. graet dialogue, and loved the parts where they fight. ''i have attained the strength of 17 dick chineys'' and the ''im having mastering the move of DIABETIC fist.''. pretty fun. but also, what mattered was the meaning. that its not good, to hate someoen because he's new, or to judge someoen by his movies, or by his ''popular thing'' or because hes only popular. tahts truly egotistic. while, if you love everyone, and have fun(being logic) then you can rock. good movie. love this
i love the ending
but the whole thing was pretty funny
metal is the only answer