yes. no. maybe.....i don't know.
Dont ask =3 lolololololololololololol ololololololololololololo lololololololololoolololo lolololololololololololol olololol Basically my first ever attempt at a flash animation. ololololololololololololo lolololololololololololol olololol Make sure you have sound.
yes. no. maybe.....i don't know.
I love marshiemallows :)
wtf is a Marshmallow?
i have NEVER seen anything as smart as this!!!a dancing marshmallow.......HOW COOL IS THAT????!!!!!I LOVE DA MARSHMaLLOW AND DA GRAPHICS!!!!OMGOMGOMG!!!!I GAVE IT A 5/5!!!!REALLY AMUSING!!!
TOO SHORT THOUGH.......= (.......
umm, amusing?
it's very funny, for like 1 second, but the next second lol it's also over. oh by the way I am amazed at how fast you can go in my mind and steal meh thoughts. I don't want you blammed because it probably could be great, but please make it longer.
Did you even try to make this good?
It's just a marshmellow standing there doing absolutely nothing for like 5 seconds. You get one point cuz the ending was a little funny. Just make it longer and have him do more stuff or something like that.