100% possible epic win or fail
The Legend Of Zelda Metal Athem won it for me 100% WIN!!!
More Action. More Drama. More Hose jokes.
Part two is up, as you might tell its had a big change in graphics. Thank you Flash 8. So Flash MX is out the door, Flash 8 is in, we dance around nekkid and celebrate the glorious day it is.
In this installment, Cody has a poker game with Gohma. A new character is introduced. A random character is killed, Saria explains why she looks so damn sexy.
And a lot more of Logan tasting the furry of Cody's Hose (sexually!)... (But not really)... (Ok maybe a little)...
Enjoy Cody~Logan
100% possible epic win or fail
The Legend Of Zelda Metal Athem won it for me 100% WIN!!!
Pretty good
Pretty good.
Dementingly good
I never reviewed this for some reason, but to summarise my thoughts on this flash... Ryan's smile when he was obtained was so demented that it had me chuckling more than most smart and herelded comedy on Newgrounds. You get the job done with swift movements and low jas, no knockout punches or amazing gags here, but it altogether wins the day as a package.
better than last yah
Like i said characters are better in this flash.
So here you go it's a 8