do what "Jnta" said below
I made this not to long ago, and decided that I should just submit it, even if people don't think it is the greatest thing. It is pretty short, for how long it took to make. Some parts of it are choppy, and sometimes his limbs seem to shake. I cleaned that up as much as I could. Hope you enjoy!
do what "Jnta" said below
What is this a chain. I get it.
do wat "iwillavengeall" sed below.
Thanks for the review I guess.
wow, im impressed, its really not bad. u got the moves down, now put some time into a real animation, more than stickfigures, add a background, and bam. masterpiece. =D
I will try, I hope to be good one day, and even get past that 3.0 mark. Thanks for the review.
it looks...
like a linerider video
Really, I wasn't going for that, and I guess that you are not a fan of linerider.
seems good, try making it longer and more of a plot with action or a cool loop so it wont end haha
Ok I guess the plot and action part would help with boringness of it.