Submit to the Newgrounds Parodies collection and find an easter egg in the credits!
Simple and Fun
Loved the simple humor and animation. It was unique and minimalist, but you could tell who everyone was. This was a nice tribute to Ross. Let's hope he comes back to NG someday.
Hi Max, this was cool. :-)
I didn't really understand what was going on, but I liked the animation, the music and the duck. :) Good work! Regards, mightyzebra
Almost a year ago, a staff member of Newgrounds named Ross sadly left the company to move on with his life. He's one of the most important people of this website because he created the Portal, the supporting structure of the Newgrounds we know today!
the music was kinda cool so i guess u derserve a 5 :D
Where is Pico?
Other than that, this animation is kind of cute
This year it didn't have to include Pico, so I did a Tankman (who is found in the last episode) and Dad.