I don't know what exactly this is supposed to be. This was just a looped video with some music. NOTHING like the description. Sorry man, but I didn't like this at all.
Well, I took a short break from Cyberens, due to spring break, Star Day, and a trip to Colorado where I came close to nabbing that little rascal Cyberen (no, I'm not even kidding). Now we're back to The New Adventures of Cyberen!
Cyberen partied a little too hard over spring break! He is rushed to the hospital to have his stomach pumped. The doctors tell poor Cyberen that if he doesn't eat a healthy diet, he will die! Cyberen's most favorite thing to do is eat junk food because he is so utterly alone, and will never find love. He finds temptation around every bend; the price of caving - HIS LIFE! Cyberen is about to break down and stuff his face with a bag of Cyberen-peeps, when his horrified doctor shows up, just in time to save his life, with a nice musical number! Doctor Buttswallows shows Cyberen that eating right doesn't have to be boring, in fact, it's pretty goshdarn fun!
I don't know what exactly this is supposed to be. This was just a looped video with some music. NOTHING like the description. Sorry man, but I didn't like this at all.
i hate these loops! come on now... 20% of newgrounds is made of these stupid loops!! dunno how so many of them seem to get unblammed, but whatever, i cant really tell u what to improve because.. theres nothing to improve on, its just a loop
>=O anyways, please do better next time. =\