Wow that was a pointless waste of time. Universal studios isn't THAT bad.
We were down in Florida when I realized something...
Wow that was a pointless waste of time. Universal studios isn't THAT bad.
Whoa, U must really hate Universal to make a flash out of it.
You Are Wrong
I went to Universal Studios a few years ago and I had a blast. You were probably in a negative mind frame or something. Seriously, how could you not have fun there? There's so much to do and see. Also, try putting a little more effort into your opinion flash. Just because you make a statement about something doesn't mean anyone will care. You have to explain and try to persuade people to your opinion, otherwise you'll just come off as an ass.
No, actually, I am rarely ever in a negative mood, especially on trips like that. The reason it sucked balls was that after you ride the Hulk, Dueling Dragons, and the let-down that was the Jurassic Park ride, there's hardly anything more to do. Then it's just all scenery and stores.
You are one of the people that has nothing better to do with their life other than to state your own idiotic opinion to piss people off and suck up space on a web site?
you make me sick.
try making an animation where some people can actually enjoy insted of being annoying
You are one of the people that has nothing better to do with their life other than to state your own idiotic opinion to piss people off and suck up space on a web site?
You make me sick.
Try making an animation that's not another clone madness tribute.
ow ow ow ow
Holy seisure batman, I liked the song what was it called?
Although not much actually in this animation..... meh its worth a 6 atleast for the seisure
Peace Jubilee.