i cheated teh whole way! :D but seriously, fix the glitch, then we'll talk
Its Cursor Action Pro!
Now more levels and obstacles! Plus, I added a hidden button in the background that makes you die if you try to use click-cheating.
Edit #1: Crap, there isn't probobly a way to fix the right click cheating, unless you have to drag the cursor instead of havin it folo ur mouse, well, thanks for the 7's, thats all I can say.
Edit #2: Well, it was a little big so the skip button for the intro is a little low, i recommend playing it in a popup.
i cheated teh whole way! :D but seriously, fix the glitch, then we'll talk
just to let you know.
you didnt fix the right clik cheat. you should do something where theres one big button and if you dont touch it, it says: stop cheating.. i think thatle work, just ooh whatever work it out yourself. i made a maze game and i got it to work once...
i loved it! it is so hard to stay on coarse
click games are old
I've already played this game 500 other times.
by the way if you right click and then move your mouse to the end then left click you win.
Right-click, forward...
But a good game. though the music isnt very good!
wha-- I fixed right click