rip haltman...
he was annoying and will not be missed.
On April 23rd 2008, a non-dramatic thing happened on Clockcrew dot cc. Haltman, everybodys least favorite feature on the site, was deleted. this is a memorial to his infamy.
April 23rd 2008.
we will probably forget...
rip haltman...
he was annoying and will not be missed.
i must say
what a touching flash. rest, valiant man, rest in glory :(
Do not want...
Please, put your time into a good flash...
and what if i dont want to? what are you gunna do about it?
He was always there
when we needed him least
<3 R.I.P Haltman
the videoo is a coop of like 3 seconds of actual movie, w/ a terrible song playing in the background
no u