it was okay
for your first atempt at stick figures that was preety good
Hi there. I'd like to show you my first Stick Project- Battlefield Rumble. Yea, I know it's short but... rate it as my first attempt to the genre ;)
it was okay
for your first atempt at stick figures that was preety good
make it longer!
dude u must make it longer w/more in-depth fight scenes
more guns and electricity swords
'sal right
But wai 2 shorts! I liked the blue guy :D He has a sword :P But, ya. Make this longer with more fight. Then it will be good.
Keep it REaL,
8/10 4/5 [2.94 / 5.00 (+ 0.012)]
ok but has potential to be better
i think its kinda ok but there's no kick to it as the battle scenes are kinda lame and not 'fighty' enough
to short
its to short and only 1 minute but its ok