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Goodnight Kiss

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Ok this was for an animation assignment. This was my very first finished flash animation. I'm not 100% happy with it, and I still haven't mastered flash. But here goes. I know the music is terrible... that is another thing I need to work on. But we don't all start perfect. lol. Hopefully being on here will inspire me to create great animations like some of the people on here. I am shamed by you. Ok. This was created in Flash 8. Don't know what else to say... music in Adobe Audition. Enjoy...

Oh by the way... my first couple of animations don't have preloaders because I hadn't learn them yet. The next animations I make will hopefully be presented better, and have preloaders. :)

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it was really well!!!!

it was great!!
good tweening and good style!!
sound is good!
and it was really good plot!!
its over all 5/5 10/10!!

DarkRayneRules responds:

Thanks. :) I need to get back into flash... I'm getting all rusty with it. Rusty is not good.

Pretty good.

I admire your style.pretty good for the most part, just needed more plot, at least an explanation to why she killed him.

DarkRayneRules responds:

He was her bf and he cheated on her. I know it's not very clear... but yeah that's it. The plot is pretty weak looking back. *sigh* I swear I'm going to do a better animation one day... I just need to work up to it.

The graphics hurt it

I actually thought the music was pretty good. The main thing that turned me off this animation was the graphics, most of it was coloured using the same gradient. Black to silver. I have no idea what you were trying to do, maybe make it black and white? If so there are other ways to do it without making everything look like burned metal. Keep working on animations because you have potential.

DarkRayneRules responds:

I know its bad. I'm no good with colour. If I ever make another one I'll try to make it heaps better.


not great. the way it was pieced together was a little cheesy and the story as a whole kinda sucked (no offense intended). try being a little more creative with your animations, this was a little generic and way too short to be worth that much. if you need ideas for future stuff, I'm full of 'em and I couldn't animate if my life depended on it.

DarkRayneRules responds:

Yeah... looking back its pretty bad... but it was my first. Yeah I'm bad with stories. Always murder and suicide... nothing original. :( It was short... but it was an assignment and I had a time limit. I'm still thinking about maybe doing more animations... but they are a heck of a lot of work and when I'm doing it for myself I'm a lot more critical. I get half way through an idea then scrap it. Either way... I'm going to try not to submit anymore bad stuff. lol.

You might need to explain this one to me.

The animation was great, but I am very blunt in the mornings so I am confused about the storyline, all I got was that she shot someone. lol I'm bad at understanding sometimes.

DarkRayneRules responds:

Ok... her bf cheated on her so she kills him. That's about it. lol.

Credits & Info

3.64 / 5.00

Apr 20, 2008
11:12 AM EDT