I lol'ed....funny shit. buhhhhhhhhh!
This was made for the housing office of my college after i got busted at a party. Enjoy. When a punishment creates humor i think we all win.
yeah i fixed the pre-loader. i'm retarded.
That didn't work. i'm still retarded. damn. hold on and don't blam this crap yet. *
i'm still a n00b, but now it works. yay.
I hate my life. But it should work now. god damnit preloader.
I lol'ed....funny shit. buhhhhhhhhh!
Sorry about the 0/0
Was the preloader supposed to be throughout the whole movie?
If not next time check if you accidentally forgot to just put it on the first frame.
yeah i fixed it. sorry my fault for being noobish.
fix it!
Im sure it would have been better and i would have been able to get some more of the jokes if the pre-loader didnt stay on the screen the whole way thru the flash!!!! Not bad.. i enjoyed it because i too abuse the fine substance. Made me want a beer..
yeah man i fixed if if you want to re watch it lol. my bad with the loader. tech issues.
Funny, but...
The newgrounds logo stayed on throughout the whole thing. Kind of annoying. Still funny though.
yeah it's fixed now. That mas my stupidity, and noobishness lol.