Almost everything was wrong, badly made, or nonsensical. Extremely poor effort (almost none, in fact.) For example, the Ford Mustang was new in 1964. (Unless you mean the prototype from 1962, which was unrelated and shared only the name.) Plus, how am I, a computer user on the internet, supposed to know how many car models you showed your peers in class? I can't believe this actually got you a passing grade. You must have the easiest teacher in human history. The teacher I had would have dead-flunked something with this poor of an effort without even having to spend more than 10 seconds looking at it. And spelling and grammar should rightfully count as part of your grade. My teachers would have failed an otherwise perfect game simply for that level of incredibly bad spelling and grammar. Standards have certainly fallen. And I just realized that this was made only four short years after I graduated from high school myself. It makes my brain sad.